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    Andrea Roggi was born in Tuscany, in Castiglion Fiorentino to be exact, in 1962. He took up painting at the age of fifteen, but even then the third dimension fascinated the young artist, drawing him gradually closer to sculpture. In 1991 he set up the art workshop “La Scultura di Andrea Roggi”, where he crafts his sculptures out of bronze and marble and, with the help of his assistants, he manages to create large-sized yet finely detailed pieces. Inspired primarily by nature and his family, he has produced a number of public artworks in Italy, located mainly in Tuscany and Umbria. ./..

    In the late 90s he founded the “Art for Young” movement, aimed at awakening an appreciation of art and all art forms in young people. The movement culminated in the inauguration of the "Creativity Park" (Parco della Creatività), its crowning achievement. Since the year 2000, Roggi he has been pursuing a fruitful collaboration with the University of Georgia, based in Castiglion Fiorentino, and the University of Texas, based in Cortona, where he holds workshops and courses on sculptural techniques. ./..

    His works are featured in many art collections around the world and he has participated in various national and international exhibitions, including Grand Hall Olympia, Londra; Ahoy, Rotterdam; Grand Palais, Parigi. Some of his pieces are on permanent display at the "Creativity Park" (Parco della Creatività, Loc. Manciano, Castiglion Fiorentino) and at The Circle of Life Art Gallery in Cortona.
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